Health and Safety

  • Health and Safety at the Bath Area Family Resource Center

    In order for everyone to enjoy themselves fully at the BAFRC, we must work together to make sure it remains a healthy and safe place for all.  We follow the following guidelines:

    The BAFRC's responsibility:

    ~ Daily washing and sanitizing of diapering area, mouth toys, and tablet-tops, and sanitize spray on all toys. 

    ~ Janitorial service sweeps and vacuums floors and washes the bathroom daily.

    ~ The BAFRC completes a monthly safety checklist. 

    ~ A First Aid kit is kept in the Center at all times.

    ~ A fire inspection is conducted annually by the state.

    ~ All toys and surfaces are washed and sanitized bi-weekly and when mouthed.

    Families' responsibility:

    ~ Wipe your shoes upon entering the building.

    ~ Place personal items in cubbies. 

    ~ Wash everyone's hands before playing with the toys, before snack time, after toileting, after diapering, and after activities.

    ~ Supervise children at all times and assist them in returning toys to their proper place.

    ~ Place all mouthed toys in the bins to be washed.

    ~ Assist in washing surfaces with sanitizing solution before snacks and whenever there is a need.

    ~ Keep ill children at home.